The links I found interesting, while browsing the web today.
- Best Picture Oscar Winners You Can Re-Watch With Some Pleasure – Hollywood Elsewhere
- Daring Fireball: On the San Bernardino Suspect's Apple ID Password Reset
- The Talk Show ✪: Ep. 147, With Special Guest Jim Dalrymple
- Where's The Bump? Big Sleep Bluray Is A Big Letdown – Hollywood Elsewhere
- A Brief History of Title Design on Vimeo
- Chomsky: "Sanders May Use The Word 'Socialist' But He's Basically An Honest New Dealer" – Hollywood Elsewhere
- Beware of Rotten Tomatoes In Wake of Fandango Buy – Hollywood Elsewhere
- How to get started using Raspberry Pi | iMore
- NextDoor boots reporter for reporting on police press conference | Ars Technica
- Disney’s Gravity Falls is weird Americana meets Lovecraft for kids | Ars Technica
- NIGHT AND FOG and SHOAH | Jonathan Rosenbaum
- 'World Of Tomorrow' Animated Short Explores What It Means To Be Human : NPR
- The Evening Class: BAMPFA: CINEMA MON AMOUR—Guy Maddin on The Quay Brothers' Street of Crocodiles (1986)
- Tech, necessity, and the discomfort of sitting with ourselves | The Verge
- 'Star Wars' Co-Producer Dishes on the Film's Final Shot and HDR – Hollywood Reporter
- Deja View: A Pecos Bill Myth