The links I found interesting, while browsing the web today.
- WWDC 2015: Highlights and Awesomeness | The Weekly Briefly
- Watch Ornette: Made in America, the Documentary by Shirley Clarke | Fandor
- The Best NAS for Most Home Users | The Wirecutter
- What’s new for designers, June 2015 | Webdesigner Depot
- The Video Deck: The Happiness of the Katakuris – Press Release
- Prepare Your Child for Preschool with Grandma’s Preschool App — Geeks With Juniors
- Synology Cloud Sync Adds Amazon Cloud Drive
- Touch of Evil (New Trailer) – In cinemas 10 July | BFI release – YouTube
- 3H10 pour Yuma de Delmer Daves : bonus "The Shadows of Noir" – YouTube
- Book Festival Blogging | Library of Congress Blog
- Refresh, Not Reboot: Thoughts on Jurassic World | Cultural Learnings
- adrian tomine news: "The Diver's Clothes Lie Empty"
- Cheap and Easy | Home Media Magazine
- An animated history of Housing Through the Centuries | The Kid Should See This
- Nickelodeon Unveils Comic Con Plans, Panels and Booth Eve | Animation Scoop
- 'Kung Fu Panda 3' Teaser Trailer to Arrive in One Week!