The links I found interesting, while browsing the web today.
- Shadow of a Doubt | Hollywood Theatre
- My Neighbor Totoro | Hollywood Theatre
- Castle in the Sky | Hollywood Theatre
- Howl's Moving Castle | Hollywood Theatre
- Kiki's Delivery Service | Hollywood Theatre
- Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind | Hollywood Theatre
- Ponyo | Hollywood Theatre
- Spirited Away | Hollywood Theatre
- Recognizing the Women Behind the Web | WIRED
- Dynamic optimizer — a perceptual video encoding optimization framework
- Cohen Media: 2K Restoration of James Ivory's Shakespeare Wallah Detailed for Blu-ray
- Kino: 2K Restoration of The Holy Mountain Detailed for Blu-ray
- Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier | The New Yorker
- HomePod review: Stop, Look, and Listen – Six Colors
- Let Guillermo Del Toro finally make ‘At the Mountains of Madness’ | The Outline
- Straighten Photos on Your Phone +
- Lessons from Spotify – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
- [The Daily] Four Oscars for The Shape of Water – From the Current – The Criterion Collection
- Snow Day: Unusual Tracks – YouTube