The links I found interesting, while browsing the web today.
- NPR Books Here’s what came out in paperback this week! … : NPR
- Before and After Comparisons of the Visual Effects in Mad Max: Fury Road
- Criterion Reflections: Andrei Rublev (1966) – #34
- Super Punch: Best thing at any Disney park is The Evil Queen
- A Flower For Minnie | A Mickey Mouse Cartoon | Disney Shorts – YouTube
- Meet Margaret Hamilton, the badass '60s programmer who saved the moon landing – Vox
- The River, 1951, Jean Renoir | Criterion Blues …..
- Walt Disney’s “The Grain that Built a Hemisphere” (1943) | Cartoon Research
- 65+ Sites To Find (FREE) Amazing Public Domain Images 🙂
- Audio Hijack 3.1 can listen for the sound of silence | iMore
- South African canopy walkway is breathtaking – Boing Boing
- – Katherine Hepburn vs. Herself
- Swedish Film Institute Achieves 50-50 Funding Distributio | Women and Hollywood
- These Cartoon Animals Are The Most Adorable Mech Pilots In The Universe
- How to Take Better Photos Using Your Camera's Mode Dial
- Glorious Technicolor: From George Eastman House and Beyond – YouTube
- Automatically Sort Pictures with Smart Albums in Apple Photos
- MooVee wants to be the go-to companion app for movie buffs | iMore
- Deja View: Hercules Pencil Tests