The links I found interesting, while browsing the web today.
- Julieta (Pedro Almodóvar, Spain) — Masters – Cinema Scope
- KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS – Watch the Magic Come to Life – YouTube
- The 5 Craziest Reactions To The Original ‘Star Wars’ – The Spit Take – YouTube
- Another shout out for the FryDaddy Electric Deep Fryer / Boing Boing
- Use this app and you'll never miss a deadline again / Boing Boing
- Can San Diego’s ambitious environmental plan make it a test case for green urbanism? – Curbed
- Wellesnet | Orson Welles Web Resource » Intermediality in Orson Welles’s Shakespearean Collage: Competing Narrative Modes and Media in ‘Chimes at Midnight’
- Verhoeven's Finest? – Hollywood Elsewhere
- Dark Heart [BAND OF OUTSIDERS] | Jonathan Rosenbaum
- Enter a Genius’ Mind In Trailer for Documentary ‘David Lynch: The Art Life’
- Mark Kermode reviews The Lady Vanishes | BFI – YouTube
- Todd Haynes: A Life In Pictures – YouTube
- 73. Mostra del Cinema – Venezia Classici. Restauri – YouTube
- App Store cleanup | Manton Reece
- 9 cool Instagram accounts that spotlight architectural details – Curbed
- Deja View: Kahl Drawings for Sleeping Beauty
- Advertising DVDs in 2000 required explosions for some reason | The Verge
- Rare Welles No Longer Unseen: <i>Chimes at Midnight</i> and <i>The Immortal Story</i> on Criterion | Film International
- Uncle Yanco | Cinema Gadfly
- Hey, Everybody: Ben Wheatley’s HIGH-RISE Is Now On Netflix | Birth.Movies.Death.
- Star Trek 50th Anniversary TV and Movie Collection Blu-ray Review | Home Media Magazine
- 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Makes TV, Streaming Debut Sept. 10 | Home Media Magazine
- We had cursing in our movies and we were OK. | MetaFilter