- Check out our latest episode of the podcast, discussing Cronenberg’s Naked Lunch: http://bit.ly/djdUw5 #
- RT @CriterionCast: [Blog Post] Oscilloscope Laboratories To Adapt Pictures At A Revolution: Five Movies And The Birth http://bit.ly/9xzTJN #
- RT @CriterionCast: [Blog Post] Lionsgate UK To Release Cronenberg’s A Dangerous Method And Fiennes’ Coriolanus http://bit.ly/aah3gQ #
- RT @CriterionCast: [Blog Post] Time Magazine Unveils It’s Top Ten Favorites From Cannes Over The Years http://bit.ly/bjPmiB #
- The Logan’s Run Blu-ray on Amazon is down to $10.99 (62% off): http://amzn.to/bp8JEQ #
- 10 Awesome Vintage Video Games You Can Play Online http://bit.ly/btGTSz #
- Watching tonights episode of Breaking Bad: Kafkaesque. #
- The 4 Must Have Google Android Applications For Students http://bit.ly/9qpcFd #
- Moving onto tonights episode of Treme. #
- RT @nicknunziata: Day One of CHUD’s list of the worst CGI in movie history. YOU ARE WELCOME. http://tinyurl.com/28e6mc8 #
- Sleeping in the Belly of the Beast [Jaws Sleeping Bag] http://bit.ly/doO4p7 #
- Check this video out — Bone, animated. http://youtu.be/oeNqQxzB4-U #
- RT: @akstanwyck: #Cannes Buttonholed Terry Gilliam on the Croisette, he’s filling last gaps financing for long-aborning Don Quixote movie. #
- This is a fantastic blu-ray! RT: @KinoLorber: Pre-order Wong Kar-Wai’s HAPPY TOGETHER on stunning BLU-RAY. http://bit.ly/9A2gVn #
- RT: @msaleem: 24 million iPhone 4G in 2010? Hello $AAPL! http://bit.ly/9C0vj3 #
- RT: @Laremy: I loved Certified Copy, talked with @ropeofsilicon for about 20 minutes afterward about it, just debating various theories. #
- Awesome. RT: @FatboyRoberts: okay, this is nerdy, but awesome: Sesame Street Fighter II – http://tinyurl.com/37y9ca6 #
- Great stuff Drew! RT @DrewAtHitFix The film festival in my house kicks off with a Criterion triple-header – HitFix.com http://bit.ly/buv8G6 #
- @GregHyatt we use blip.tv and are pretty happy with it. in reply to GregHyatt #
- I’m at Fred Meyer (3805 SE Hawthorne Blvd, at SE 39th Ave, Portland). http://4sq.com/o1vWa #
- I’m at Peoples Food Co-op (3029 SE 21st Ave, SE Tibbetts, Portland). http://4sq.com/5SNzbq #
- I’m at New Seasons (1954 SE Division St, SE 19th Ave, Portland) w/ 2 others. http://4sq.com/5R6V5j #
- In order to appropriately hype myself up for next month, I’m throwing in more Futurama in the DVD player. S4: Where No Fan Has Gone Before. #
- Just unfollowed the jerkiest of all jerks on Twitter. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. #
- @CriterionRefs seriously. I’ll work on some sort of similar device for the real world. in reply to CriterionRefs #
- I am way more excited by these images from Immortals than anything I saw in Clash of the Titans. #
- If it came down to it, I would sell off everything I own before parting with my Futurama DVDs. #
- Re-watching S4 E15: The Farnsworth Parabox. JJ Abrams favorite episode, all about the mystery box 😉 #
- @rejects which part of the debate are you referring to? in reply to rejects #
- @rejects I guess I mean which form of piracy? Or just piracy in general? in reply to rejects #
- @rejects are we talking copying DVDs for personal use, or camming a film in a theater and selling it on the street? in reply to rejects #
- Is It Too Late to Save Blockbuster? http://shar.es/mCbcC #
- Hey all you iPhone webmaster peeps, how do you view Google Analytics on your phone? #
- Best Buy’s Internet video service ready to debut http://bit.ly/b7WOFg #
- Finally ready to watch the Modern Warfare episode of Community. It better live up to the hype. #
- Tomorrow, Netflix Watch Instantly will get: Beavis and Butthead, Aeon Flux, Spongebob, Invader Zim, Avatar The Last Airbender (book 2 & 3) #
- Whoa, there is a Qrank question today that @EricVespe better not get wrong. #
- @timbuel yeah, it’s amazing how crappy some tv’s are out of the box. in reply to timbuel #
- @timbuel @scottEweinberg what game is everyone talking about buying tomorrow? I am out of this loop. #
- Movies redrawn in the Golden Books style. Pretty awesome stuff. http://bit.ly/cteLER #
- @Vactor I’ve never claimed otherwise 😉 in reply to Vactor #
- @Vactor if you have a spare XBox 360, or PS3 laying around, that I can borrow, I promise I’ll start playing video games. 😉 in reply to Vactor #
- Check out @moiseschiu’s latest entry in his journey through the films of Yasujiro Ozu on Arthouse Cowboy: http://bit.ly/bWKdjj #
- Apparently, tweeting the word “xbox” will get you three followers. #
- @Vactor maybe I’ll have @foxtotally pick it up for me 😉 in reply to Vactor #
- @MsBHaven hehe good luck. Although I did include PS3 in the tweet also, but who knows, I was just assuming they were auto-following keywords in reply to MsBHaven #
- This found it’s way to my doorstep today, and the packaging is pretty freaking gorgeous: http://twitpic.com/1oteez #
- @rachelmercer if you find that option, please let me know, that would be so so so helpful for me as well. in reply to rachelmercer #
- @Bandini1 awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it. in reply to Bandini1 #
- RT: @MultCoLib: there’s a new tool library in town. welcome to the wonderful world of lending SE PDX tool library! http://bit.ly/dal7Px #
- @akstanwyck would you put RSS Feeds/Readers into that category? in reply to akstanwyck #
- @mtgilchrist @Laremy is loaning a copy of a DVD to a friend the same as that person downloading it? Is that a lost sale? #
- @mtgilchrist also, what if you buy a DVD from eBay? or a garage sale, or on craigslist, the artist is no longer making any money off the art in reply to mtgilchrist #
- @Curt_Holman thanks for following, I’m really enjoying your podcast with Russ and Matt, especially the Lost episode. #
- Watching some old episodes of Spiderman and His Amazing Friends. This show is definitely not as cool as I remembered it. #
- Hey Friends in San Diego! Go see Horse Feathers at the Casbah. Tell them Ryan sent you. #
- Watching “Iran: A Cinematographic Revolution” #
- Dozens, maybe over 100, crows going apeshit above this tree on SE Hawthorne. http://flic.kr/p/83js83 #
- That was a birdemic if I’ve ever seen one. #
- Look what you can now rent for $1 at a Redbox: http://twitpic.com/1p1gmz #
- @foxtotally you guys need to go to Pokez while you’re in San Diego! Tell them Ryan and Charmaine sent you. in reply to foxtotally #
- Ryan’s beer for tonight’s Lost: Lagunitas “The Hairy Eyeball” Ale. http://flic.kr/p/83jG1u #
- I know these primaries are important, but seriously KATU, turn them off during Lost! #
- @foxtotally I miss the Casbah! in reply to foxtotally #
- @kevincarr So I’m a bad boyfriend for lettings Charmaine watch V in the bedroom? in reply to kevincarr #
- @kevincarr hahaha, oh the jokes that could be launched from that tweet. in reply to kevincarr #
- @foxtotally we used to live right down the street from the Casbah, I used to work at The Art Store down by there. in reply to foxtotally #
- RT: @KinoLorber: New blog post: METROPOLIS and Janelle Monae http://kino.com/blog/?p=357 #
- @Confessions123 man, it’s only playing 21-27th at 4pm daily? Damn, I won’t be able to see it due to work. in reply to Confessions123 #
- Listening to the Willy Wonka soundtrack at work is easily the best way to stay in a good mood. #
- @ThotFullGWC Wilder Wonka! The only one I officially recognize. in reply to ThotFullGWC #
- @DrewAtHitFix is your podcast available in iTunes? I’m trying to search for it in there. #
- @DrewAtHitFix is there an RSS feed for the podcast? I can just plug that into iTunes also. in reply to DrewAtHitFix #
- @DrewAtHitFix gotcha. in reply to DrewAtHitFix #
- I’m at Multnomah County Library – Belmont Branch (1038 SE 39th Avenue, at SE Taylor St, Portland). http://4sq.com/aCHsfH #
- I’m at Trader Joe’s – Hollywood (4121 NE Halsey St, at NE 41st Ave, Portland). http://4sq.com/4Gip3b #
- I’m at Fred Meyer (3030 NE Weidler St, at NE 28th Ave, Portland). http://4sq.com/8CYkbq #
- I’m trying to get some posts up on the site, but Charmaine keeps giving me shots of liquor. How am I supposed to work in these conditions? #
- Yesterday’s episode of Fresh Air totally sold me on this band, The Mynabirds. I want to own whatever they’ve made. #
- @fistfulofmedia I’ll have to get a list from her, but she’s going through some recipe book, looking up different mixed shots. They’re tasty. in reply to fistfulofmedia #
- I wish I could somehow merge all the great qualities in the Bing image search, with the options of a Google Image Search. #
- Check out Parts 4 and 5 of @moiseschiu’s journey through the works of Yasujiro Ozu: (4) http://bit.ly/c3L2eW (5) http://bit.ly/92IyFN #
- I wish Lala would just throw all the rules out the window, and let me stream whatever I want as often as I want for the next 11 days. #
- RT @paulscheer: Sitting in front of Harrison Ford as he watched Empire Strikes Back. He laughed at the “I know” line #bestnerdexperience #
- @foxtotally Travis, we’re going to be in San Francisco this Friday-Sunday, will you all be there too? We drive back to PDX on sun #folknroll in reply to foxtotally #
- Listening to the Mynabirds on Lala, I’m really interested to see if Apple does anything with this service. #
- @foxtotally when you guys get to Santa Cruz, be sure to eat at the Saturn Cafe. It’s a must stop for us on road trips. #folknroll in reply to foxtotally #
- @foxtotally we’ll have a rental car this weekend, so we might be able to meet up with you all in the Bay Area at some point in our wandering in reply to foxtotally #
- @ElisabethRappe are you only doing Western stuff? No Eastern (Asia) Films? in reply to ElisabethRappe #
- I See You!: Boba Fett Hiding In ESPN Logo http://bit.ly/awkQII #
- RT @ropeofsilicon: Cannes 2010: First Trailer for Olivier Assayas’s ‘Carlos’: http://is.gd/ch2YN #
- @ropeofsilicon are you back from Cannes too? in reply to ropeofsilicon #
- @ElisabethRappe sweet! I’ll make you a list. I’d also suggest looking into some of the Indian Historical Epics, as well. in reply to ElisabethRappe #
- @foxtotally be sure to visit the McSweeney’s Pirate Store at 826 Valencia while you’re in SF. in reply to foxtotally #
- @evilhag @lenadunham I can’t wait to watch Tiny Furniture again. #
- Three amazing movies coming to Netflix Watch Instantly on Friday: Amelie, District 9, and CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS! #
- Check out @Confessions123’s review of the remastered Red Shoes, playing this next week in Portland! http://bit.ly/97N0VJ #
- Ryan’s Library Haul: 5/19/10 http://flic.kr/p/83wZNX #
- @ElisabethRappe be prepared for an onslaught of anonymous marriage proposals. #
- @MrBabyMan pretty unlikely, since it’s going to be a part of IFC Midnight, but I wouldn’t say it’s impossible 😉 #
- Did formspring have a data loss? Or do they delete old questions? What the hell. #
- @Rudie_Obias we had lots of other questions answered on that page before, now there is only one. in reply to Rudie_Obias #
- I’m passing on the 9pm screening of Macgruber so I can watch the Fringe finale, and pack for San Francisco. I have priorities. #
- Just recorded a conversation with @Laremy from Film.com about his experiences at Cannes 2010, look for it soon in the @CriterionCast feed. #
- @scarletscribe once you get through it, you are certainly invited to join us on @CriterionCast to discuss them 🙂 in reply to scarletscribe #
- I want to live in the alternate Fringe world. Seriously. #
- Okay, we get it, “Walternate” is clever, now stop over-using it. #
- Alright folks, we’re going on a road trip in the morning, down to San Francisco, what should I load up the iPod with? #
- @RadioConelrad yeah, we’re going to have to put off our next show until next Friday, due to scheduling problems. in reply to RadioConelrad #
- Use The Fork, Luke: Star Wars Pancakes http://bit.ly/cJ45ml #
- @beeblebrox Charmaine raised her hand. #fb in reply to beeblebrox #
- @Vactor oh man, which episode? in reply to Vactor #
- @Vactor haha, yeah, that episode should be titled: Ryan hates Network, Lost, and Robin Hood, but loved Babies. 😉 in reply to Vactor #
- @Vactor just to be clear, I certainly do not hate Lost, or Network. in reply to Vactor #
- Have any of you listened to the recorded conversations between Truffaut and Hitchcock? I’m thinking about those for the road trip. #
- All of the Karate Kid movies are hitting Netflix Watch Instantly tomorrow. #
- @scottEweinberg I still have a soft spot in my heart for the second one. in reply to scottEweinberg #
- Ditto! RT @scottEweinberg: Soon I will be able to see PIRANHA and HUMANOIDS FROM THE DEEP on blu-ray. I love you, @ShoutFactory. @TomChenLA #
- @scottEweinberg have you listened to the audiobook of World War Z? It features Mark Hamill! in reply to scottEweinberg #
- We’re about 4 hours into our drive south, at a rest stop, for leg stretching, relieving natures call, and partaking in free roadside coffee. #
- It’s almost depressing, how hardline, fundamentalists can turn a complex issue into something that is black and (cont) http://tl.gd/1doh1p #
- We’re nearing southern Oregon, just past Ashland. While not pouring rain, it is really wet, and these trucks are scarier than usual. #
- Well, now it’s snowing. And our windshield wipers are squeeking eerily. #
- @moiseschiu and just like that, we passed the snow and there is practically no clouds in the sky, as we roll into California. in reply to moiseschiu #
- Apparently California has some sort of deal worked out with the weather system. As soon as we cross the border, no more rain or snow. #
- We’re driving to the soudtrack of Michael Chabon’s Manhood for Amateurs (audiobook). I’ve listened to it before, but this is Charmaines 1st. #
- Also, what about libraries? I hope those hardliners exhange their library cards for credit cards. #
- Thanks to Breaking Bad, every RV or motor home we pass is labeled as a “meth lab” by Charmaine. #
- @Rudie_Obias I’m not driving at this point, when I tweet while driving, I’m sure my spelling and grammar will suffer. in reply to Rudie_Obias #
- @Rudie_Obias you may want to buy a grammar guide to go along with your style guide 😉 in reply to Rudie_Obias #
- Just rolled into Berkeley, for art supplies, some tasty raw/vegan eats, and who knows what else. #
- Friends in the Bay Area, if you want to hang out, tonight is looking pretty open, so get in touch. #
- I’m at Blick Art Materials – Berkeley (811 University Ave, Berkeley). http://4sq.com/dqiaIw #
- We just checked into out motel in Daly City, getting ready to hang out with my newly graduated brother. #
- @iamveryaware Penelope Cruz in reply to iamveryaware #
- Oh Picnik, why won’t you load for me. #
- Man, there were a ton of animated additions to Netflix Watch Instantly this evening, including a quasi sequel series for Rugrats? Wha? #
- Easily the best addition to Netflix Watch Instantly tonight has to be all the Ren and Stimpy. #
- @rachel1975 I didn’t even know that existed, I really liked Rugrats as a kid. in reply to rachel1975 #
- Getting ready to go have breakfast in SF, it looks like we’re heading down to the Sunrise Restaurant in the Mission. #
- I’m at Sun Rise (3126 24th St, btw Shotwell St & Folsom St, San Francisco). http://4sq.com/5cjSZO #
- At SFSU for Matthew’s graduation. http://twitpic.com/1q4elf #
- @CriterionRefs thank you so much for your donation! It will buy us several cups of coffee at Comic Con! in reply to CriterionRefs #
- My phone lost battery power early on in the day, thus the lack of tweeting. Rest assured we had fun, ate great Indian food and hit up Amoeba #
- That’s me! RT @ms_charmaine: Ryan in the Criterion section of Amoeba. http://flic.kr/p/84ft1A #
- Plans for tomorrow: vegan breakfast, spend some time at the TWiT Cottage, and make our way home to watch the series finale of Lost. #
- My Amoeba Haul: All under $10 (2 under $5), all region 2, all awesome. http://yfrog.com/caxucmj #
- Batman The Movie (60’s with Adam West) is on the cable in our motel room. I think I need to own this on Blu-ray. #
- @allisonejones yeah, I can’t pass up a Masters of Cinema disc when I spot one in the states, especially when it’s only $9.99 in reply to allisonejones #
- We only made it to Amoeba with about 20 minutes to browse before closing, but I did flip through all the laserdiscs, and drooled. #
- The Criterion section, while totally awesome, was a little too expensive for my liking, especially with the hope of a 50% off sale one day. #
- Sweet! Who Framed Roger Rabbit is on next after Batman, I guess I know what I’ll be doing for the next couple of hours. Thanks HBO Family. #
- I can now re-watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit, to look at it as a hallucination. See last CriterionCast episode for explanation. #
- Whoa, the ape bouncer at the club says “wise ass”? I seem to remember my VHS tapes saying “wise guy” about the monkey suit crack from Eddie. #
- Oh also, if you ever doubted the claims that the AT&T network in San Francisco sucks, I can confirm that to be absolutely true. #
- I wish someone would write “The Science (or Phsyics) of Who Framed Roger Rabbit” Seriously, that would be fascinating. #
- The scene where Judge Doom puts the toon shoe in “The Dip” is still as terrifying as it was as a kid. Gruesome! #
- @CriterionRefs I love experiecing tweets like that too. in reply to CriterionRefs #
- I’m at TWiT Cottage (8 Keller Street, Petaluma). http://4sq.com/6wuGLO #
- Drinking the best cup of coffee in my life at TWiT, while Leo calls for everyone to quit Facebook. http://twitpic.com/1qewnp #
- Leo has the Extended Edition of Fellowship of the Ring tucked into his epic tech bookshelf: http://twitpic.com/1qf4i9 #
- Here’s some proof that I am where I am, totally geeking out. http://twitpic.com/1qf5ol #
- Taking off from the Cottage, a big thanks to @leolaporte and his crew for a wonderful time. Now it’s time to race home for Lost! #
- Time for some veggie burgers! (@ In-N-Out Burger) http://4sq.com/5gak5Y #
- @foxtotally I think we’re about to pass you, as we drive up the 505 to the 5. in reply to foxtotally #
- @joeyransom I think there is an archive page for the Google Doodles, and you can still play it. in reply to joeyransom #