- "Forget HDTV, Because Ultra-HDTV Is On the Horizon" http://t.co/BXyKi6Un #
- "Nearly 40 films sold at Toronto" http://t.co/m7vRtbZo #
- Since it’ll be a while before I get to watch The Master, I’m re-watching Punch Drunk Love on DVD (it’s been years) http://t.co/Sf7Zz2fG #
- There’s no way this movie isn’t joining the Collection. #
- Fingers crossed that we get an isolated score track on the Blu-ray. #
- From the Punch Drunk Love booklet http://t.co/jybujRpo #
- "Chen Kaige looks to contemporary China and damaging Web searches — in his new film, 'Caught in the Web.'" http://t.co/e7v1pU1U #
- Barry’s insane dance in the supermarket is fucking perfect. #
- "New ROBOCOP Teaser Poster" http://t.co/oHdCJTRh #
- That’s that. #
- So here we go. #
- "TIFF: More than movies" http://t.co/ZumxSlX9 #
- After watching Super 8 the other night, I want to re-watch Signs and The Iron Giant. #
- Time for some Koyaanisqatsi on DVD http://t.co/UCwNAyna #
- Godfrey Reggio: “it’s not that we use technology, we live technology.” #
- “@Wilymon: forum compiling some iPhone 5 wallpapers… #imready